Planning and regeneration Core Strategy

Interactive Proposals Map

The Proposals Map shows Core Strategy and Unitary Development Plan (UDP) policies. It also shows policies in the Greater Manchester Waste plan and allocations in Places for Everyone.

The table shows which document to read to view the policies shown on the map. The list is in the same order as on the Proposals Map Key. The Proposals Map also shows Conservation Areas and Sites of Biological Interest (SBIs). These are designations made outside the Local Plan process, although there are policies relating to them in the Core Strategy. The Proposals Map is not updated when new Conservation Areas or SBIs are designated.

You can choose which layers to view by selecting them from the 'Layer List' icon at the top of the map. Search for specific streets or postcodes in the box in the top left hand corner.

Policy numbers CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5, CC6, CC7, CC8, CC9 and CC10 relate to policies in both the Core Strategy and the UDP. In the Core Strategy these policies relate to the City Centre as shown on the Proposals Map layer list. In the UDP these policies relate to the Cheetham and Crumpsall area and the map show the numbers.

Policy layers shown on the Proposals Map

Policy layer on the map

Where you can find the policy for this layer

Trans Pennine Trail

Core Strategy / UDP

Metrolink Existing & Proposed

Core Strategy / UDP

East Manchester Sub Areas


Housing Improvement Areas


City Centre (CC1-CC10)

Core Strategy

District Centres

Core Strategy / UDP

City Boundary


Regional Centre (EC3)

Core Strategy

Inner Areas (SP1)

Core Strategy

Conservation Areas

Core Strategy

Economic Improvement Area


Environmental Improvement / Protection


Airport Strategic Site (MA1)

Core Strategy

City Centre Primary Shopping Area

Core Strategy

Sites of Biological Importance

Core Strategy

New Housing


Economic Development


New Shops


Education / Community Use


Leisure Use


Leisure Improvement Area


Medlock and Mersey River Valley Areas


River Valleys


Major Recreational Routes


Green Belt

Core Strategy/Places for Everyone

Mixed Use site


Major Road / Rail Environmental Improvement Corridor


JWDPD Waste Area (MC1)

Greater Manchester Waste Plan

Road Junction Improvements


Retail Allocation (CC18)


North Manchester (EC4, H3)

Core Strategy

Wythenshawe (EC10, H7)

Core Strategy

South Manchester (EC9, H6)

Core Strategy

Central Manchester (EC8, H5)

Core Strategy

East Manchester (EC5, H4)

Core Strategy

Employment Allocation - Medipark

Places for Everyone

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