Libraries Court records

Other courts

  • Manchester Court Leet - The Court Leet of the Manor of Manchester was the ancient court for the Manor of Manchester. It was abolished in 1846. The Court Leet records of the Manor of Manchester 1552 to 1846 have been published and copies are available online.
  • Salford Hundred Court - was originally the ancient Court for Salford Wapentake or Hundred covering one of the six administrative areas of the county. More information about this court and the records we hold is available on the archives catalogue.
  • Manchester County Court - County Courts were formed in 1846 to deal with small debts and other civil claims. No records appear to have survived of Manchester County Court, but it may be worth contacting the court at: The Court House 184 to 186, Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3WB.
  • Our city also had its own District Court of Bankruptcy - no records are known to survive.
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